Recently Added Templates

Impress clients with the professional-grade application templates, effortlessly customized to meet any needs.


Saving time and effort while ensuring the creation of scalable and feature-rich applications.

Built-In CRUD

Clean and stylized CRUD-ready with awesome customizable and extendable interface, allowing users to efficiently interact with data.

Built-In CRUD


Ensures the product's robust data protection through encryption, access controls, and multi-factor authentication.


Large Templates Library

Offering users a wide array of pre-designed template collection simplifies development processes.

Large Templates Library


Providing extensive resources such as a comprehensive knowledge base and tutorials to leverage the full potential of the software.


Minimum Coding

Designed for ease of use, requiring minimal coding efforts from users to achieve desired functionalities with limited coding experience to efficiently create and customize applications.

Minimum Coding

24/7 Support

Our commitment to around the clock tech support ensures great user experience and fosters confidence in the product's reliability.

24/7 Support


Our customers have something to say about us.

Caleb Hurd
Caleb HurdSenior developer

We love the application and the support we've been getting from canned templates. A must-have for any consultant looking to streamline their workflow and exceed client expectations. Please keep developing the application and adding features!

Mark Edwards
Mark EdwardsProgrammer/Consultant

You totally blew me away when I could just take an incredibly short code example, make two or three really simple changes, and suddenly voila! instant app!

Cristine Aliani
Cristine AlianiIT Consultant

Absolutely impressed with this software! As a consultant, I've been able to create tailored business applications in record time thanks to its vast library of templates. The fast turnaround and ease of customization have transformed how I deliver value to my clients.

Jeremy Bonio
Jeremy BonioConsultant/Developer

Incredible tool for consultants! This software's template library has drastically accelerated my ability to create tailored business applications, delivering impressive results to my clients with lightning-fast turnaround times.


Supports All Major Relational Databases

MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, SQL Azure, Amazon Aurora, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, Informix or generic ODBC.

Learn How to Create Applications Using These Amazing Templates!!

It's really that easy!