
The Restaurant Reservation Template

PHP restaurant management template
Restaurant Reservations enables you to effectively manage restaurant reservations without the need for an expensive online booking system.  It is perfectly adapted to smaller eating establishments or hotels and concierge services that work with multiple restaurants on behalf of their clients.
The Restaurant Reservation template is the perfect reservation management tool which will free up valuable time – so you and your staff can focus on keeping your clients happy!

Who uses the Restaurant Reservation Template?

Concierge Services who need to:
  • Store information about multiple restaurants
  • Store information about multiple hotels
  • Manage reservations for multiple clients
Restaurant employees who need to:
  • Manage reservations for their own establishment
  • Store information about multiple hotels to facilitate contacts for reservation confirmations and take-out deliveries to those hotels
Hotel employees who need to:
  • Store information about multiple restaurants in the area to recommend to their guests.
  • Book reservations for their guests

Key Features

  • Keeps track of Restaurants, their addresses, contact information, expense rating and dress code
  • Keeps track of Hotels, their addresses and phone number
  • Allows you to identify different types of Dress Codes
  • Allows you to identify different elements on an Expense Scale ($-$$$$)
  • Restaurants can serve more than one Type of Cuisine
  • Restaurants can serve more than one Course (open for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/etc.)
  • A Restaurant will have an overall Rating, but each Course it serves can have its own Rating
  • Restaurants can be filtered by various criteria: Type of Cuisine; Courses; where it ranks in the expense scale; Rating
  • Keeps track of Reservations: Contact Date/Time; Contact Name and Phone Number; Reservation Date/Time; Confirmation Date/Time; Cancellations